Healthcare & Senior Living

Ensuring patient/resident satisfaction and safety

Conduct audits (regulatory and internal) and collect real-time feedback to monitor your patients’ and residents', staff and visitors’ satisfaction and ensure their safety.

institutions that already use the power of Touchwork

Why it’s so effective

In today’s competitive environment, healthcare and senior dining food service providers face multiple challenges:

  • Ensuring patient or resident satisfaction and safety
  • Complying with regulatory requirements 
  • Managing revenues and costs

Touchwork’s real-time feedback solutions help to monitor customer’s likes and dislikes, needs and wants, promote effective service failure recovery and provide insights to enhance the overall experience.

Touchwork’s audit solutions streamline both regulatory and internal audit processes, eliminate paperwork, and automate reporting and follow-up actions. This enhances safety, ensures compliance with standards, saves time and costs. 

Healthcare & Senior Living Products

Touchwork’s solutions streamline real-time customer feedback and audit processes. This enables healthcare and senior living operations to monitor the patient or resident, visitor or staff experience as well as monitor internal operational processes that impact the customer experience and safety. Together these results  provide valuable real-time insights to ensure overall business success.

customer feedback

In-the-moment feedback


Kiosk-based feedback

mystery shopping

Mystery shopping

online survey

Online surveys


Problem reporting


Audit and inspections

Fusion CX

Advanced dashboards & reporting

The Touchwork Platform

Touchwork’s solutions are built on the powerful and flexible cloud-based Kinetica CX platform and can be used individually or in any combination. They provide results in real-time with advanced drill down reporting and analysis capabilities. They are quick to deploy, require no on-site IT support and are optimized for use with mobile devices.

Touchwork offers stand-alone subscription based solutions or bundles them into packages based on client’s needs. Our enterprise licensing model enables unlimited access to the full platform and solutions.

Areas of Application

In-the-moment student feedback for food, retail and other auxiliary services

Visitor, staff, and patient feedback in food and retail operations

Compliance audits using mystery shoppers or inspectors

Problem reporting for vending machines, bathrooms, dorms and other hot-spots

Health & safety and other compliance audits

Regular and ad hoc general surveys

“The performance of the system in terms of being able to garner instantaneous feedback from our customers and its analytics are outstanding.”

- Evan Olsen | Associate Director of Florida Tech, 
Campus Dining

Ready to optimize your business with better customer experiences?

Let’s connect for a discovery call and explore your requirements!


CX for CFOs

Customer experience through a CFO’s lens: How CX metrics mirror financial reporting

Georgia Southern Health Center

Improving student health services with real-time feedback: Lessons from Georgia Southern University

Envision Strategies

Touchwork and Envision Strategies: Partnership in Technology and Consulting Services